Welcome to the Lake Yogi Clubs
We celebrate milestones. We celebrate you!
Every quarter we look at the milestone achievements & make sure you know you are appreciated.
50-99 Club
50+ classes is no easy feat!
Congratulations to this group of yogis & yoginis who stepped up to this first class milestone!
Amy H Andy R Maureen I Lisa S
Megan G Gina S Alexis R Mary W
James H Rich D Diana R Alexa M
Sharon K Kimberlee W Skip S Sarah S
Michele S Anna L Kaitlin Z Aubrey B
Holly L Kristen M Danielle M Alex C
Sue B Justin R Katie Craig David F
Sonda K Lesley S Rachel S Corrine M
Kelsey D Kylie V Nancy L Bethany D
Danielle D Jessica S Lindsay H Jill F
Tara H Lindsay M Lydia T Jen D
Madeline K Daniella N Sarah B Megan N
Kelly D Britany H Jared L Tina L
Betsy P Mary N Marybeth E Taylor R
Chelsea M Colleen D Tori B Doreen E
Curtis O Krystal G Jordyn P Elizabeth W
Brittany F Isabel S Julia G Carmen L
Katy R Georgia B Krya C Jason M
Lisa L JoAnn D Dillion O Elizabeth R
Coreen L Jean S Cynthia M Oliver A
Jen R Olivia R Shelley R Stephen S
Meghan P Dana D Jen S Suzanne E
Mary C Cassie B Mauren P Kerry B
Rebecca H Victoria U Sven H Nicole L
Nici T Megan C Annmarie V Jackie V
Erin P Tyalor T Claire K Nora P
Kathleen M Lisa H Molly H Robyn G
Patti M Shelley P Chris E Nate S
Casandra S David B Anthony T Diane B
Taylor H Eileen G Steve M Sara S
Brittany H Erin C Lauren M Jill F
Jen E Willy C Meg M Alecia M
Mack H Carrie H Helly B Jessica B
Barb B Anastia P Gaja M Dawn H
Rebecca B Tara B Ashley P Lisa G
Abbie T Henry L Katie P Abby B
Tom S Lisa M Alexis F Emma L
Matrina K Kathy G Leigh W Katie M
Angela H

100-199 Club
The first of the triple digit club!
Sarah D Bridget F Marija C Rebecca M
Rachel T Katrina G Sarah M Jen P
Molly H Debra B Anna Marie V Andrea M
Sarah M Brent R Amy C Amy B
Marianne P Kate D Holly H Erika P
Nernia M Keri A Megan F Diane S
Mary S Dee B Jen R Betsy S
Kiki U Karla C Sarah C Jessi S
Amy K Sam C Katie S Beth Y
Mike M Angie F Nick T JoAnn V
Megan P Seth B Bridget B Justin G
Megan S Betsy M Amy M Casey F
Sarah C John N Heather A Damar D
Crystal C Mary W Leslie K Meaghan B
Laurie L Olivia B Stacie S Brittany G
Alysia M Catherine C Michelle K Heidi F
Courtney E Ally C Lisha K Traci T
Wendy F Mallory W Pam M Angela P
Pamela S Jen M Leslie G Dana C
Sarah A Heather M Claire A Meghan K
Jen F Sophia T Marion M Sharon M
Lisa Marie S Christine T Jessica M Amy S
Ashley S Grace K Dianna A Crystal M
Elizabeth S Erin D Henning E Sarah T
Gina B John M Chuck D Tara B
Bill G Lynn M Liz C Jennifer H
Mary C Michael F Sharon C Lisa S
Jeanine L Kim T Margie J Dan R
John R

200-299 Club
Moving on up!
These yogis have broken some personal records for attendance!
High-fives to all!
Brittany K Ed C
Brett P Laura S
Rachel L Daniela T
Ivana P Julie B
Debora H Addison C
Jamie F Jess M
Anne F Mike P
Heather N Tammy S
Bernadette D Jess M
Mark I Liz C
JJ H Chris M
Eric L Jamie R
Traci S Jenna C
Julie B Angela P
Shelly R Jenalle S
Tracy D Lindsay C
Teresa G Caitlin M
Betsy F Brittany R
Elizabeth L Katie S
Marissa N Julie W
Cheryl M Gwen J
Heather A John S

300-399 Club
Inspiration galore!
These yogis love their practice &
we love watching them soar!
Mariah S
Pat M
Rick L
Lisa D
Stacie B
Kristian F
Courtney R
Lynn H
Carla P
Mike M
Charles V
Steve S
Razieh M
Tricia B
Hannah P
Henry M
Lisa I
Sarah M
Lisa L
Charlie P
Angel I
Brad K
Kelly M

400-499 Club
Talk about dedication!
Wow! Let's raise up these Yogis & Yoginis on this tremendous milestone!
Jackie G
Teresa P
Joe P
Laura W
Katy D
Ann W
Kristen S
Candice B
Kate K
Theresa B
Scott M
Kellie C

500+ Club
The rarest accomplishment in Lake's history!
These Yogis & Yogins hit the 500+ class milestone!
Talk about inspiration...
Jim F Sheri M
Russell M Sam S
Jamie P Karen I
Eric A Joan J
Dana B Karlyn L
Melanie C Carrie B
Sonja B Sharon Z
Tara E Mark W
April M Francie N
Abby H Meg C
Karen L Bobette S
Linda D Juicie Joe M
Jen B